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Sun Milk Hydroprotective Spray SPF 24

Sun Milk Hydroprotective Spray SPF 24

Consumers’ reviews: (3)

This delicate tanning emulsion, in an aerosol container, represents a new way of sunbathing. It refreshes your skin every time you use it, and its texture wraps up your body in such a way that there is no need to spread the product. It has a high SPF as well as emollient properties, which prevent from solar erythemas while helping to get a fast, lasting and intense tan.

Benefits of the Product

This solar protective milk deeply hydrates the skin during sun exposures. It is presented in a Spray format that facilitates the application of the product. Its protection factor is SPF 24.

How to use sun protection?

On the beach or at the pool: Normally, we use solar protection once arrived on the beach or at the pool. It should be known that solar creams and solar protection products need at least 30 minutes to develop their capability to protect. Thus, persons with skin phototypes from I to III should better apply solar protector at least 30 or 45 minutes before sunbathing.
The shade, a right ally? Using the shade in open spaces is a good way to cool off and to protect from the sun. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the shade does not assure a complete protection against UV radiation. It is very recommended to use sun cream even if you are under an umbrella or a sunshade. In general, always remember the following rule: if the shade is shorter than your height, there are risks to suffer from cutaneous damages caused by UV radiation.
Does water protect us from the sun? The widespread belief that water protects from UV radiation is totally wrong. In water, even at a depth of one meter, the intensity of UVB radiation arrives at almost 50%; therefore, even in these conditions, solar erythema can appear. Moreover, the refreshing effect procured by water can mask the pain.

Which sun cream should I use?

Within its cosmetics line especially developed to protect from the sun, Leydi Bait offers you two sun creams for the face of SPF 24 and SPF 45, as well as two body sun creams, a protecor Spray of SPF 24 and a protector cream of SPF 45.

These products of solar protection are appropriate for every type of skins. You can find below our recommendations of solar products the most adequate for each type of skin.

- Phototype I: very pale skin (redhead) It is recommended to use the sun cream for the face of SPF 45 and the protective body cream of SPF 45.
- Phototype II: pale skin As the phototype I, it is advised to use the sun cream for the face of SPF 45 and the protective body cream of SPF 45.
- Phototype III: pale to dark skin During the first sunbaths, use the sun cream for the face of SPF 45 and the protective body cream of SPF 45. From the thrid or the fourth sun exposure, you can use the sun creams of SPF 24.
- Phototype IV: dark skin Usually, this type of skin does not burn; you can use the sun cream SPF 24 for the face and the hydroprotective spray of SPF 24.
- Phototype V: brown skin This type of skin does not burn, but you should still protect you from UV radiation. Use the same products than the phototype IV.
- Phototype VI: black skin Protect you from UV radiation just as phototypes IV and V.
- Kids: Concerning the kids, it is particularly recommended to use the sun cream for the face of SPF 45 and the sun cream SPF 45 for the body. Apply generously the product every 45 minutes and after each bath.

Advices to safely have sun exposures and precautions against UV rays:

Avoid prolonged and direct exposures to the sun during hours of maximal sunshine, between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Apply generously products of sun protection before sun exposures: Repeat the application of the protective cream or the solar spray every hour and a half or two hours, especially after physical activities, swimming or drying with a towel.
Avoid exposing babies or children less than 3 years old directly to the sun
Maximise precautions during any out door activity: Sun radiations are more reflected in the areas with water, grass or snow. In those cases, you should use protective creams presenting a high factor of protection.
Use sunglasses to avoid eye damages: Check that your glasses have a 100% protection against UV rays and that they present the certificate assuring that they have passed all the European Union controls.
• In case of prolonged exposures or exposures during the not recommended hours, protect your body and your head with a loose clothing, a cap or a hat.
Do not expose you to the sun after having done treatments with laser, chemical peelings, tatoos,... Avoid the sun and use products with a high factor of protection.

Active ingredients

  • Sunscreen Protective UV-A

    Action: Solar filter efficient for the protection against UV-A radiations causing skin ageing problems and melanomas.

  • Sunscreen Protective UV-B

    Action: Protection against UV-B radiation, causing the solar erythema.

  • Multivitamin Complex A, C and E

    Action: Neutralizes free radicals and prevents the formation of spots.

Sun Milk Hydroprotective Spray SPF 24


Sun Milk Hydroprotective Spray SPF 24
Sun Milk Hydroprotective Spray SPF 24 300ml EAN: 8431332243025

Units per pack

Blister: 6 x 300ml
CTN: 24un

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